Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.



A Euro-Arab project for story telling

programme hakaya 1

Hakaya is a euro-Arab project that was created in 2006 to celebrate the art of « story telling » in theatre and to promote art, reading and writing, for identity building and intercultural dialogue.

Hakaya project gathers artists, historians, story tellers and instructors through a network, residences, workshops and an itinerant festival in order to [...]

Alif, Alpha et Arobase : un projet MEDiakitab avec les jeunes

Enquiry on writings in the Mediterranean space

Capture d’écran 2012-02-27 à 14.41.32


The project Alif, Alpha et Arobase, lead young people from Ramallah, Alexandria, Tyr, Oran and Marseille, to make inquiries on writings around the Mediterranean sea. They will use their imagination to create and exchange during several months.

Cradle of the first alphabets and the three Book religions, Mediterranean shores host plenty of history, [...]

The Heritage days in Alexandria

In 2011, the festival offered a second edition

programme patrimoine cea 2

The first edition of the Heritage Days in Alexandria was held from 24 till 28 September 2010. Four days of events, attendance was nearly two thousand people. The events were electic: exhibitions, free for a day of national museum, tasting culinary, meetings with authors, educational workshops……

Following the success of this first year, the partners [...]

Introducing digital culture in Milan Librairies

Developping links between printed and digital culture in libraries

@session multimedia zincmilan-light

Session multimédia à Milan ©zinc-LD

The networks of Milan City libraries took the opportunity of MEDiakitab meeting to ask ZINC to present an introductive workshop about digital art and practices to the staff of the 26 libraries. Two members of “le Petit lecteur d’Oran” and the responsible of the training department from Egyptian catholic [...]