Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.
MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.
« The flying carpet » is an educational kit created and produced by « Bokra Sawa », in partnership with Ecomers centre, in Nice and CEAlex and funded by Region PACA. The objective is to raise young people awareness of ecology and history of the the Red Sea opening on the Mediterranean Sea. The educational kit was designed to [...]
Mona Helmy, who is in charge of Alexandria book festival and intellectual propriety in Bibliotheca Alexandrina has been invited by the City of Marseille to discover the corridors and the lights of patrimony and book culture. The two months stay, coordinated by MEDiakitab association, is made up of stays in several public structures (Marseille history [...]
At the end of 2013, the City of Marseille (Mediteranean archeology Museum, the department for International and European relation of Marseille) and MEDiakitab association received historians, archeologists, authors and drawers to share and think about fertile connections to be created between fiction and history, imagination and heritage, drawing and archeology, comic books and multimedia. Speakers [...]
During « Des bulles et des fouilles » meeting, two guest artists, share their view on graphic edition in Egypt. Although their influence are diverse and their style are different, both of them recognize the influence of Egyptian artists from the 1970’s and notice a turning point in Egyptian publishing, in the mid-2000.
Shennawy studied fine arts [...]
©Jorj Abou Mhaya, Madīnah mujāwirah lil-ard, Dar Onboz
Since 2007, the Lebanese comics are very active and give birth to talented artist: «Dying, leaving and coming back » of Zeina Abirached, «Beirut, July-August 2006 » of Mazen Kerjab. The same year, ALBA publishing started to publish the cartoonist students ‘work. The magazine Samandal, which [...]
Site de la BnF pour enfants ©BnF
Virtual exhibitions, games for children, Ipad applications, the digital resources of the BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France, French national Library)
The BnF puts on-line exhibitions showed on its premises in Paris. It provides on-line resources, which allow distant audiences to access its collections. [...]
L’édition numérique dans les pays en développement ©International Alliance of independant publishers
During the summer 2011, the International Alliance of Independent Publishers put on-line an unpublished study about digital publishing. The organisation asked Octavio Kulesz, an Argentinean philosopher, “traditional” publisher having switched to “digital” with a new publishing house, to lead a [...]
Founded in 2009, by Arles Book Conservation Centre (CCL), the “e-corpus” database indexes and spreads many type of documents (manuscripts, books, maps, archives, newspapers, pictures, audio documents, video…) coming from collections scattered all over the world, mostly in Europe and in the Mediterranean. Today, the platform accommodates more than 100 000 references from more than [...]
On the occasion of its second edition, the 28th and 29th November 2011, the seminar gave the floor to various disciplines specialists, who came to provide their concepts about a matter of which social, economic and technical realities are deeply changing: the digital reading actors, mediums and practices. All these lectures are now available [...]
« To read the book » is a blog about children’s literature in arabic countries. It is an invitation to enter a « bookshop of koutoub»* where one speak French and Arabic language, where some discuss about politic and Palestine, or talk about children’s temporality, about the images’ language and about a publishing history that still [...]