Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


The flying carpet discovering the Red Sea

A wonderful educational kit, produced by « Bokra Sawa »


« The flying carpet » is an educational kit created and produced by « Bokra Sawa », in partnership with Ecomers centre, in Nice and CEAlex and funded by Region PACA. The objective is to raise young people awareness of ecology and history of the the Red Sea opening on the Mediterranean Sea. The educational kit was designed to [...]

The Mediterranean in Marseille’s schools

Averroes Junior watering citizenship and creativity’s seeds

Capture d’écran 2014-10-24 à 09.15.09

For more than 20 years, Averroes meetings have been gathering many people around lectures, debates and cultural events. Every year, the meetings deal with a specific subject in order to think and feel the Mediterranean space. The event was founded and disigned by Thierry Fabre, and implemented by Espace culture. This year, it has been [...]

Sharing the experience of « reading challenges »

Meeting each others from the reading experience : from paper to digital practice



Grande Bastide’s library © MEDiakitab-CD

Since 2008, Grande Bastide secondary school in Marseille and St Marc school in Alexandria, meet to challenge each other on a common reading. Pupils from both countries gather at the same time to ask themselves questions about a book or a film.  Reading challenges represent a nice way [...]

School libraries in Egypt

Role of school librairans and new technologies in educative action

Enseignant et ses élèves au CDI du Collège St Marc Alexandrie-Avril 2014©cdussol

By Soha Saad-Wakim, Coordinator at the Catholic Schools Training Centre in Alexandria

Libraries and information services undoubtedly play a key role in access to essential documentary resources. Their action encourages cultural development and contributes to maintaining intellectual freedom. School libraries are supposed to make an important service structure available related to the school’s aims. These [...]