Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


TRACES, a futuristic exhibition

Young people think their heritage in a future perspective

Extrait du catalogue de l'exposition (CEAlex)

Extrait du catalogue TRACES © CEAlex

The educational service of the Latenium, an archaeological museum comprising Research, Exhibition, university and popular Educations launched, together with the Educational service of the CEAlex, the Art Centre of the Alexandrina Biblioteca and the association Gudran, the project “Which traces want we leave of ourselves in 1000 years?”

Broad issue about society, philosophy, introspection and museum.

Two groups of young people, aged from 14 to 17, looked for answers by creating an exhibition which expresses their own eyes on our society.

A booklet of the exhibition was realized with all the objects and texts of the teenagers.

In the future, a cooperative website should be created to gather together and mutualise the experiences fulfilled during this project, so they could be shared and shown to future partner.

The catalogue of the exhibition is available here.