Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


The Mediterranean : an history to be shared

A textbook to teach a common history


World map from “Roger’s book” of al Idrissi

The project named « The Mediterranean, an history to be shared », was born during the event « Marseille, European Capital of culture », in 2013. Under the supervision of Mostafa Hassani Idrissi, a university professor in Mohamed V University of Rabat (Morocco), 15 historians from Maghreb, Europe and the Near East, compared their knowledge to write an international history of the Mediterranean, from prehistory to modern times. The French edition was published jointly by Bayard edition and CNDP edition, in november 2013. It claims an original educational contribution for teachers and trainers.

As a sensitive subject, in terms of national stakes, history is a human science which combines objectivity and subjectivity, scientific exactness of information and narrative creation, point of views’ selection and perspectives diversity, descriptions and interpretations. History is always told at a certain place at a particular time, through the author’s scientific and ideological filters. Even if remaining totally neutral is not possible, curent historiography claims more and more a ” perspective of “global history”. This perspective emphasizes the study of  of processes that transcend regions, nations, and even any single civilization. It puts a growing interest in the civilisations interaction and wishes to mix observation points and analysis grids.

Expédition d'Egypte

“Egyptian expedition under Bonapartes’ orders”
Louis Cogniet, Fine Arts Museum in Orléans


Cover from the text book “Mediterranean, an history to be shared”

The project participants planned several extensions, in terms of paper edition (translation in most of the Euro Mediterranean languages) or digital edition (a web platform, led by Canopé network, in partnership with INA and Med-Mem project. 12 case study are already in free access in French and Arabic on Canopé website.

The team project is currently looking for an Arabic publisher to spread this educational tool on Mediterranean issues. The area, which represents an important place for civilisation, has always been a stage where meetings, conflicts, exchanges, separations and amalgamations took place. The history really deserves to be taught and shared with plurality and rigor. This challenge has been remakably met by the textbook.



Ancient and modern alphabets-Ada Yardeni