Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


Public reading in Lebanon

Cultural action for youth and book policies


Imad Hachem/Head of Books & Reading/Lebanese Ministry of Culture


“The Lebanese are scattered around the globe. In 2009 they played hosts”. Chosen by UNESCO as the World Book Capital in 2009, Beirut was the scene of a cultural year such as Lebanon had never known.

“A window on the diversity of cultures and a [...]

Youth literature on the web

French reference web sites for librarians

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To fuel MEDiakitab seminar, Laetitia Derenne gathered in this document reference websites dealing with the following subjects :

- General knowledge about children literature (bibliography, selection, critics, news in publishing, theorical searches)

- Important genres in children literature (fairy tales and folk stories, comics, documentaries…)

You can download the pdf file.


Story-telling from the Maghreb to Provence and the Middle East tradition

The role of libraries in passing on oral heritage

Contes Palestiniens

A cultural cooperation programme based on popular stories from around the Mediterranean in the of Governorate of Bethlehem entitled ” The role of libraries in passing on oral heritage: stories in the Maghreb, Middle East and Provence“. The aim of this project was to:

Develop Palestinian oral heritage as the basis of the Palestinian community [...]

Mubtada wa khabar

A collaborative platform for the arab book industry


‘Mubtada wa khabar’ is a collaborative platform that aims at bringing together the regional actors of knowledge in order to invigorate thought in the Arab world.

Literature being an essential vehicle of culture and a vital element of thought, mubtada.org aims at contributing to the development of the book industry by providing continuous information, [...]

Mare Nostrum

An interactive web cartoon


Mare Nostrum is an interactive bilingual (French and Arabic) web-cartoon carried out between children in Arles and Alexandria, from 11 to 14 years old during the school year 2006-2007.

« This is the story of an archaeologist, in Southest France who discover a boat flotsam to date from Roman period, in the Rhone. He contacts his [...]