MEDiakitab project
MEDiakitab objective is to produce synergies between Mediterranean operators dealing with youth and expression whether it be through printed or digital materials or oral cultures transmission. They all play an active and complementary part in producing, training and organizing cultural activities. They are working both with people and professional on the ground and involved, in various levels, in resources organisation. They work in Arab or French speaking area, and some of them use English as a working language. The sustainable partnership relies on mutual knowledge concerning contexts and practices. Geographical diversity let them identifying « common projects » or subjects to be studied together.
MEDiakitab is based in Marseille. It is supported by the City of Marseille and le Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône.
Through projects and missions, members meetings, different kind of funding and methodologies have been studied to let concrete and multilateral projects over the medium to long term.
The organization’s mission is to spread information, to shape resources through the bilingual blog, mailing lists, to be completed with a newsletter in September 2014.
Structures involved since the beginning have been joined by new ones in 2014 : La Maison du Livre, the Ministry of Culture, ASSABIL association and Tyr library in Lebanon, Tamer Institute and Qattan Fondation in Palestine, bilingual Catholic schools Secretary, CEAlex and Bibliothéca Alexandrina in Egypt, le Petit Lecteur d’Oran in Algeria, librariy network of the City of Milan, in Italy, library network of the City of Marseille, la Bibliothèque départementale des Bouches du Rhône, Bokra Sawa association, Le Port a jauni publishing house, Omar le Chéri. Authors and artists are also involved. The list might be completed.
A network general meeting is planned in 2015 to talk and think about the main area of cooperation.