For more than 20 years, Averroes meetings have been gathering many people around lectures, debates and cultural events. Every year, the meetings deal with a specific subject in order to think and feel the Mediterranean space. The event was founded and disigned by Thierry Fabre, and implemented by Espace culture. This year, it has been designed by Emmanuel Laurentin.
The Meetings’ small brother, Averroes Junior was created in 2005. It aims at showing the project, all along the school year, in the primary, secondary and high schools of Marseille and the surroundings. “ The quality meetings let the pupils know the Mediterranean world, from which they belong ”. Interested teachers are invited to choose between a large range of workshops, meetings, movies, or theatre pieces to stimulate the knowledge, critical mind, and sensitiveness of the aspiring citizens.
France Irrmann and Catherine Schettini gather with an open mind all the energies, ideas and initiatives from museums, cinema, artists and cultural actors to get Averroes spirit alive in Marseille schools, at the beginning of the 21-century.
Concerning the year 2014-2015, most of the projets are related to the 2014 Meetings : « other Mediterranean seas ? » : participation in the international festival of Mediterraneant documentary and news film, organized by CMCA, the exhibition « schizophrenia2.0 », designed by Les Instants vidéos, Marseille history museums, the theatre piece « Some use for your broken clay pots », in Mucem, the Averroes Meetings, workshop of archives exploration thanks to the collection of Marseille history museum and INA Mediterranée, in partnership with Canopé, Ancient Arles and Arlaten museums, workshops with Bokra Sawa, writing, music, photography workshops with artists, movies…
To make these cultural activities alive, Averroès Junior blog shows pupils creations and educational tools. Teachers are encouraged to use it to help them to prepare and adapt to their own educational projects, the experiences, subjects and movies, offered by Averroes project.