Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


The Mediterranean in Marseille’s schools

Averroes Junior watering citizenship and creativity’s seeds

Capture d’écran 2014-10-24 à 09.15.09

For more than 20 years, Averroes meetings have been gathering many people around lectures, debates and cultural events. Every year, the meetings deal with a specific subject in order to think and feel the Mediterranean space. The event was founded and disigned by Thierry Fabre, and implemented by Espace culture. This year, it has been [...]

Translating in the Mediterranean space, the mapping

Anna Lindh foundation and Transeuropéennes broadcast their survey

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Couverture de “l’état des lieux de la traduction en Méditerranée” © Transeuropéennes et The Anna Lindh Foundation

In 2010, the Anna Lindh Foundation and Transeuropéennes have launched and coordinated a vast mapping of translation in the Mediterranean Area, in partnership with Literature Across Frontiers, the King Abdul Aziz Foundation, the Escuela de Traductores in Toledo, the Next Page Foundation, [...]

Bel Horizon, ardent defender of patrimony in Oran

Discovering a diverse heritage


Logo © Bel Horizon

Created in 2002, on the occasion of the 11th centenary of the city, Bel Horizon is a dynamic association that aims at promoting Oranese heritage in all its aspects. The guides trained by the association offer others thematic tours, which make the participants aware of the patrimony wealth in Oran [...]

E-corpus, a collective and patrimonial digital library

Arles Book Conservation Centre distributes digitalized documents in Europe and the Mediterranean

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Founded in 2009, by Arles Book Conservation Centre (CCL), the “e-corpus” database indexes and spreads many type of documents (manuscripts, books, maps, archives, newspapers, pictures, audio documents, video…) coming from collections scattered all over the world, mostly in Europe and in the Mediterranean. Today, the platform accommodates more than 100 000 references from more than [...]

Sharing the experience of « reading challenges »

Meeting each others from the reading experience : from paper to digital practice



Grande Bastide’s library © MEDiakitab-CD

Since 2008, Grande Bastide secondary school in Marseille and St Marc school in Alexandria, meet to challenge each other on a common reading. Pupils from both countries gather at the same time to ask themselves questions about a book or a film.  Reading challenges represent a nice way [...]

Alif, Alpha et Arobase : un projet MEDiakitab avec les jeunes

Enquiry on writings in the Mediterranean space

Capture d’écran 2012-02-27 à 14.41.32


The project Alif, Alpha et Arobase, lead young people from Ramallah, Alexandria, Tyr, Oran and Marseille, to make inquiries on writings around the Mediterranean sea. They will use their imagination to create and exchange during several months.

Cradle of the first alphabets and the three Book religions, Mediterranean shores host plenty of history, [...]

“A day on the Corniche” with the Arab Image Foundation

Selection, research and pictures production by participants at the photo workshop

From April to July 2011, the Arab Image Foundation organised workshops in partnership with Assabil and the public libraries of Tyr, Saida, Byblos and Beirut. The workshops introduced several photographic practices, to observe the Corniche as a public space of entertainment and meeting, a common point for the five. The exhibition includes images taken during [...]

Writing around the Mediterranean sea

A creative writing programs directory, in three languages

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A directory of authors residences

This directory aims at achieving two goals: promoting the mobility of writers in the Mediterranean area and promoting the Mediterranean cooperation between professionals in regards to come to production, publishing and all other kinds of projects.

“Écrire en Méditerranée” presents more than fifty creative writing programs in twelve countries. The [...]

The water tanks’ genius

A water travelling story

To make young audience aware of archaeology and patrimony, the educational service offers several activities on the theme of the water since a lot of studies have been made at the CEAlex: water tanks statement, hydraulic system study.

The educational service chose to make water familiar in Alexandria through a tale. They asked El Warsha, [...]

The art of « clavardage »

Using ICT at school



Clavardage blog © ZINC-FP

For a few years now, ZINC actively supports the set up of sustainable intercultural projects with Mediterranean countries. The blog Clavardage, set up in 2007, when several establishments started exchanging, is a window on these projects.

You can find:

-          News about clavardages and reading challenges

-          Links to [...]