Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


The flying carpet discovering the Red Sea

A wonderful educational kit, produced by « Bokra Sawa »


« The flying carpet » is an educational kit created and produced by « Bokra Sawa », in partnership with Ecomers centre, in Nice and CEAlex and funded by Region PACA. The objective is to raise young people awareness of ecology and history of the the Red Sea opening on the Mediterranean Sea. The educational kit was designed to [...]

Alif, Alpha et Arobase : un projet MEDiakitab avec les jeunes

Enquiry on writings in the Mediterranean space

Capture d’écran 2012-02-27 à 14.41.32


The project Alif, Alpha et Arobase, lead young people from Ramallah, Alexandria, Tyr, Oran and Marseille, to make inquiries on writings around the Mediterranean sea. They will use their imagination to create and exchange during several months.

Cradle of the first alphabets and the three Book religions, Mediterranean shores host plenty of history, [...]

The Heritage days in Alexandria

In 2011, the festival offered a second edition

programme patrimoine cea 2

The first edition of the Heritage Days in Alexandria was held from 24 till 28 September 2010. Four days of events, attendance was nearly two thousand people. The events were electic: exhibitions, free for a day of national museum, tasting culinary, meetings with authors, educational workshops……

Following the success of this first year, the partners [...]

“Reading the book” : Mathilde Chèvre references

Research blog on youth literature in Arabic countries

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« To read the book » is a blog about children’s literature in arabic countries. It is an invitation to enter a « bookshop of koutoub»* where one speak French and Arabic language, where some discuss about politic and Palestine, or talk about children’s temporality, about the images’ language and about a publishing history that still [...]

Hypotheses.org, academic blogs

Platform for academic blogs : stages from the reseach process

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Hypotheses.org is a publication platform for scholarly blogs open to the academic community in all disciplines of the arts, humanities and social sciences. If you want to publish a field work blog, a research blog on a definite theme, the every day notes of a collective research program, the accounts of archaeological excavations, [...]

Sharing cultural diversity

Dialogue with Arts and Heritage across Europe and Mediterranean

The 16th and the 17th of September 2010, the Cultural Mediation department of the University Marseille Provence holds in Marseille an international conference on experiences of both actors and Arts and Heritage cultural facilities. Libraries, art centers, museums, theatrical creation, as well as publishers and translators – currently in contact with increasingly diverse audiences – [...]