Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


Youth literature on the web

French reference web sites for librarians

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To fuel MEDiakitab seminar, Laetitia Derenne gathered in this document reference websites dealing with the following subjects :

- General knowledge about children literature (bibliography, selection, critics, news in publishing, theorical searches)

- Important genres in children literature (fairy tales and folk stories, comics, documentaries…)

You can download the pdf file.


TRACES, a futuristic exhibition

Young people think their heritage in a future perspective


Extrait du catalogue TRACES © CEAlex

The educational service of the Latenium, an archaeological museum comprising Research, Exhibition, university and popular Educations launched, together with the Educational service of the CEAlex, the Art Centre of the Alexandrina Biblioteca and the association Gudran, the project “Which traces want we leave of ourselves in 1000 years?”


The water tanks’ genius

A water travelling story

To make young audience aware of archaeology and patrimony, the educational service offers several activities on the theme of the water since a lot of studies have been made at the CEAlex: water tanks statement, hydraulic system study.

The educational service chose to make water familiar in Alexandria through a tale. They asked El Warsha, [...]

The art of « clavardage »

Using ICT at school



Clavardage blog © ZINC-FP

For a few years now, ZINC actively supports the set up of sustainable intercultural projects with Mediterranean countries. The blog Clavardage, set up in 2007, when several establishments started exchanging, is a window on these projects.

You can find:

- News about clavardages and reading challenges

- Links to [...]