Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.
MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.
« The flying carpet » is an educational kit created and produced by « Bokra Sawa », in partnership with Ecomers centre, in Nice and CEAlex and funded by Region PACA. The objective is to raise young people awareness of ecology and history of the the Red Sea opening on the Mediterranean Sea. The educational [...]
Mona Helmy, who is in charge of Alexandria book festival and intellectual propriety in Bibliotheca Alexandrina has been invited by the City of Marseille to discover the corridors and the lights of patrimony and book culture. The two months stay, coordinated by MEDiakitab association, is made up of stays in several public structures (Marseille history [...]
Hakaya is a euro-Arab project that was created in 2006 to celebrate the art of « story telling » in theatre and to promote art, reading and writing, for identity building and intercultural dialogue.
Hakaya project gathers artists, historians, story tellers and instructors through a network, residences, workshops and an itinerant festival in order to [...]
Safinaz, Mirna et Safinaz © ZINC-CD
After Lebanese librarians (from Tripoli and Beyrouth) ZINC, along with the international service and the libraries of Marseille welcome in June 2012, three school librarians from Alexandria – school libraries of St Marc, St Joseph and Mère de Dieu.
During three weeks, Safinaz El Antabli, Mirna Ayad and [...]
« Feathers for moon resistance » is an exhibition dealing with surrealist poets in French speaking Egyptian press. It was created by Alexandrian studies centre (CEAlex), during the two weeks event for French speaking culture, organized by French Institute in Alexandria, from 29 March to 12 april 2012.
« Des plumes [...]
Grande Bastide’s library © MEDiakitab-CD
Since 2008, Grande Bastide secondary school in Marseille and St Marc school in Alexandria, meet to challenge each other on a common reading. Pupils from both countries gather at the same time to ask themselves questions about a book or a film. Reading challenges represent a nice way [...]
The project Alif, Alpha et Arobase, lead young people from Ramallah, Alexandria, Tyr, Oran and Marseille, to make inquiries on writings around the Mediterranean sea. They will use their imagination to create and exchange during several months.
Cradle of the first alphabets and the three Book religions, Mediterranean shores host plenty of history, [...]
The first edition of the Heritage Days in Alexandria was held from 24 till 28 September 2010. Four days of events, attendance was nearly two thousand people. The events were electic: exhibitions, free for a day of national museum, tasting culinary, meetings with authors, educational workshops……
Following the success of this first year, the partners [...]
From 6th to 9th of June, ZINC proposed a training on how to lead a workshop with children and young people to create a stop-motion movie, in the frame of cultural or educational projects. Participants are teachers from schools or cultural coordinators from libraries or cultural organization.
Members from MEDiakitab network and educational Egyptian [...]
Philip and Omar are two Egyptian boys who come from two different cities and live according to their own daily habits, but share similar daydreams. When they happen to meet each other around a sand castle we wonder whether it is for better or for worse… This beautiful book deals with [...]