Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


Reading Here, There and Everywhere

Regional Award for Arabic children’s books now launched

From today and till the 15th of October 2010, publishers of children’s books in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria are invited to submit their books in Arabic language and get the opportunity to be recognized at the national and regional level.

“Reading Here, There and Everywhere” is an annual book award organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation in the framework of its Arab Children Literature Regional Programme and which recognizes the best new unpublished fiction for children, written in Arabic language. The award aims at supporting and encouraging the publication of high quality non-translated Arabic children’s books. Publishers of children’s books in the five focus countries of the programme: Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria are invited to submit their entries before October 15th, 2010. Books should be set for release in Winter 2010-2011.

The winners will be honoured during a public ceremony in the presence of the press and media. The award will include a trophy and a cash prizes of 1000 Euros for each author and illustrator of the winning books as well as a cash prize of 2000 Euros to the publishers of the winning books. An additional cash prize of 200 Euros will be bestowed to new or emerging authors or illustrators of the winning books, i.e. authors and illustrators who have previously written or illustrated no more than one book. A special preference will be given for books that target pre-schoolers (ages 0-5) and young adults (12 and above).

To download the Call for Publishers : CallForPublishers
Read the text in Arabic : Reading Here award-arabic

For more information on the programme and how to apply in the Award, please contact:
E-Mail: children.literature@bibalex.org
Telephone: (+203) 483 444 7 Mobile: (+20) 10 855 74 99
Website: www.arabchildrenliterature.com
