« Feathers for moon resistance » is an exhibition dealing with surrealist poets in French speaking Egyptian press. It was created by Alexandrian studies centre (CEAlex), during the two weeks event for French speaking culture, organized by French Institute in Alexandria, from 29 March to 12 april 2012.
« Des plumes pour la résistance lunaire » ©
Since the 1930’s surrealist movement has been developping in Egypt around the groups “Les essayistes” or “Art and freedom”. French speaking press represents a space to express these ideas. The surrealist artists created their own reviews (Un effort, Don Quichotte…) and expressed their ideas in other reviews (La Revue du Caire, Valeurs, l’Egypte nouvelle…). Egyptian surrealists helped to loosen people’s tongue and spirits and claimed a total freedom and independance towards to popular belief. Through poetry and other shapes of artistic expression, their message is a vivis call for using our critical spirit.
The educational department of CEAlex participated in the participative dimension of the exhibition. They involved the Heritage club of Sainte Jeanne d’Antide shool. The young girls discovered the surrealist movement from the theorical to practical dimension. They could express their poetical talents, through writing games (cadavres exquis, surrealist dialogues…) and create text that had been exhibited as hanging books. Unusual self portrait have also been invented, framed and hangued up. The young surrealist girls were involved in all stages : design, position and transmission of the exhibition, during the opening day.