Gilles Kraemer was born in Versailles in 1965. Graduated in journalism, he spent several years in the French cultural network abroad (Cairo, Ramallah, Sarajevo). He is a researcher and manages a literary journal: Riveneuve Continents. He teaches at university in France and abroad, published several books on media, like « La presse francophone en Méditerranée » (Maisonneuve & Larose, 2001) and created within the publishing house Riveneuve a collection about cities with tragic destinies. The first book published was Jours tranquilles à Ramallah (2008).
He has just published an adventure comic book with the designer Damir Niksic, which comes with a science popularization article written by the archaeologist Jean-Yves Empereur: Le tombeau perdu d’Alexandre le Grand (Riveneuve, 2013). The hero is the journalist Omar le Chéri (with reference to Omar Sharif) who also embodies the mascot of an association dealing with journalist writing workshops for young Mediterranean people.
After many stops in the Mediterranean area (exhibition in Marseille, Alexandria, Oran, book fair in Beyrouth, Tunis…), Omar stands out in Bosnia. As from 28 may 2015, a giant comic strip has been covering a market in Sarajevo and has become the biggest comics in the world !