On 30 and 31 of March 2015 takes place a third edition of Averroes meetings in Beyrouth. Moultaka Ibn Ruchd were initiated in Beyrouth in 2012, inspired by Averroes meetings in Marseille. The idea is to analyse social facts to understand better the Lebanese society, and more widely the Mediterranean area. During his lifetime, Averroes became a symbol of open-mindednessand were chased by his own people and ignored by many others. In that time, Europe was ruled by Christian fanatism and Islam was looking for freedom.
The next edition of the meetings questions Averoes idendity in 2015. Nowadays, Europe promotes freedom of speech and expression as a symbol for modernity and civilisation. Which borders delimit this value of freedom ? Is Fanatism a reaction to Western policies or a consequence of Arabic regimes ? Do the Arabic world, Islamic world, need to resuscitate Ibn Rushd or should it encourage news thinkers to emerge to fit new issues ?
Moultaka have a diversity of guests : Malek Chebel, an anthropologist (France-Algeria) Khawla Matri, a sociologist from Tunis, Nasri Sayegh, a journalist from Lebanon, Samir Frangié, a politist from Lebanon, Nizar Saghiyyé, a lawyer from Lebanon, Roger Assaf, a leading figure in theatre from Lebanon.
The two round tables take place public libraries in Beyrouth which are run and animated by Assabil. Moultaka Ibn Rùshd are organised by Shams/Beyrouth, in partnership with Transvercité/Marseille. Access to the session are free of charge according to auditorium capacity. During the meetings the acts of the second meeting, in 2014, are available. It was dealing with the subject : « Lebanon, a crossroads for cultural exchanges ».