Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


Orme 2.15, digital and school environments

May 20 and 21 2015, digital fair in Marseille

150324-orme-215Canopé network, from the French Ministry of National Education, organizes in Marseille a two days fair about digital culture in education. Since 1994, the national gathering promotes education practices that integrate internet and digital tools. Between mistrust and fascination, school world should find its own balance to assimilate new skills. The stakes are high : teaching basic skills, creating awareness of privacy protection, developing critical judgement, rethinking pedagogy.

Contrary to generally accepted ideas, the digital divide still applies to « digital natives » generation. Now, access to abundant information (administration, work, accomodation, etc) assumes mastering basic digital skills. Then, when parts of  the Internet are based on a contributory and horizontal model, school has been questioned in the way to transmit knowledge.

Orme digital fair offers stalls to discover educational resources or technologies, round tables to think and share, “communicative classrooms” to experience new educational methods. The topics covered are diverse : learning languages, disability, computer science, documentary techniques, art, culture and creativity. A space, « Le lab », invites the public to experience creativity and digital manufacturing, to experience the spirit of « learning by doing ».

For more information please visit Orme website : www.orme-multimedia.org/r2015/

And Canopé resources : www.reseau-canope.fr
