Welcome on MEDiakitab blog. This program aims at sharing information and ressources dedicated to reading and writing practices, from story telling to digital form, in the Euro-Mediterranean space.

MEDiakitab association, located in Marseille, is in charge of administrating the blog. Contents are a reflection of the activities, analysis and knowledge developped by the network members.


Bokra Sawa


Bokra Sawa, which means « tomorrow together », in Egyptian Arabic, is a cultural association based in Marseille. Founded by a Franco-Egyptian team, it aims at developping non formal educational projects in Marseille, with partners in the Mediterranean, to promote a way of living together in harmony, in the Region. Since its creation in 2013, the association [...]

Gilles Eboli

Gilles Ebolli is an archivist and paleographer who manages Lyon’s libraries.

After managing the BDP of la Moselle, he assisted Dijon’s manager, and then was charged of a mission in the Carré d’Art of Nîmes and managed « La Cité du Livres » in Aix-en-Provence. Then he managed « l’Alcazar », the Marseille network libraries untill December [...]

The Port turned yellow

le port a jauni

The port turned yellow, le port a jauni, when « it is raining on Marseille », and « Notre Dame is smiling … »

« Le port a jauni » association was founded in Marseille in 2001. It aims at developping publishing and books activities in Marseille and cities in the Mediterranean Basin. The association :

-        organizes book creation workshops with [...]


COBIAC implements international projects in order to develop the world of book and libraries. It is an association under the French law of 1901 which has developed, – in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region- , a network of volunteers and a team of employees to support libraries across its partner countries.

In a spirit of sharing and [...]

Library of Marseille with a Regional Vocation (Bibliothèque Municipale à Vocation Régionale – BMVR), Marseille

“Freedom, Prosperity and the Development of society and individuals are fundamental human values. They will only be attained through the ability of well-informed citizens to exercise their democratic rights and to play an active role in society. (…) The public library, the local gateway to knowledge, provides a basic condition for lifelong learning, independent decision-making [...]

Omar le chéri association


Omar le chéri is a comic hero created by Gilles Kraemer while he was living in Cairo, which became the mascot of an association organising journalistic writing workshops for young Mediterranean people. It was founded in Paris by Gilles Kraemer, Taoufiq Derradji, Jean-Jacques Dusuzeau et Irena Havlicek, in 1997. It gathers professional journalists, teachers and [...]